East Tallering Gold Project
Sultan’s East Tallering Project is prospective for gold mineralisation and comprises one granted tenement covering 67km2. The project is 450km northeast of Perth and 180km northeast of Geraldton, WA, immediately east of Kalamazoo Resources’ Snake Well Gold Project.

Figure 1: Sultan Resources’ East Tallering Project is prospective for gold mineralisation
East Tallering is in the western portion of the Murchison Domain of the Youanmi Terrane. Previous exploration of geochemical drilling to bedrock by Meteoric Resources (ASX: MEI), principally around the Jarbora Hill project, returned results of up to 16m @ 0.43g/t Au, 4m @ 0.94g/t and 1m @ 4.7g/t Au associated with widespread alteration, quartz veining and porphyritic rock types. No deep drilling to further test these results has been undertaken.
Sultan believes East Tallering demonstrates the potential for discovery of greenstone-hosted gold deposits similar in nature to the nearby gold resources at Snake Well.
Sultan is planning percussion drilling at the Jarbora Hill prospect in late 2018 to test bedrock gold mineralisation as indicated by historic aircore drilling and geophysical anomalies.