Dalwallinu Gold Project
Sultan’s Dalwallinu Project has potential for the discovery of high-grade gold deposits similar to the Pithara Gold Mine, which the 167km2 tenement surrounds. The Project is 250km northeast of Perth, WA.

Figure 1: Sultan’s Dalwallinu Project, 250km northeast of Perth, has potential for high-grade gold similar to the nearby Pithara Gold Mine.
Pithara is a small, high-grade deposit discovered by Independence Group NL (ASX: IGO) and subsequently mined by a privately-owned venture. The surrounding Dalwallinu Project contains about 20km strike length of the prospective Yerlering Fault Corridor, with previous exploration by IGO returning results up to including 1m @ 4.7g/t Au in the end of hole at 31m, 3m @ 1.8g/t Au from 8m, 2m @ 1.9g/t Au from 4m and 1m @ 1.3g/t Au from 10m, in limited geochemical drilling north and south of the Pithara Deposit.
Elsewhere in the licence, IGO identified the Wilgie Hills area, north of Pithara, where shallow anomalous gold intercepts in mafic rocks were returned from several holes.
Sultan believes the Dalwallinu Project has great potential for the discovery of further high-grade gold deposits similar to the Pithara Gold Mine where drill intersections from mined gold lode included 4m @ 11.6g/t Au and 7m @ 30.1g/t Au.
The Company plans to undertake aircore and/or percussion drilling at the Wilgie Hills prospect, targeting structurally-hosted high-grade gold shoots such as those found at Pithara.